What are your deepest secrets that you would like to share before you d.i.e?
When I was little, there was a stray cat that came to my house out of nowhere during a birthday party. It was cute, it was a tabby cat, and most likely an adult because it was pretty big and overly friendly. My parents did not call the animal control at first. We kept the cat but did not keep it in our house. They allowed me to set up a blanket in my garage and some food and milk for cats. When I was going to bed I was hoping it would stay, and it did. Day after night I would hang out with the cat all the time. It was like my little sister, and I loved it with all my heart. A week later I went out to hang with the cat and I saw her body laying on the road. She got hit by a car. Now in my present time cats will always be my favorite animal, in fact I have a cat that looks exactly like my old one. Please care for your animals. And spend time with them when you can. <3
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