What are your deepest secrets that you would like to share before you d.i.e?
When I was little I was being abused by my father. My mother and him divorced when I was born and I went to his on some weekends. (He often didn’t come to pick me up) when I was there a lot happened to me that it makes me so fucking sad. My family is very complicated and from a very young age I was pushed into the only child of a single mother role of taking care of everyone around me but myself.
I recently got back in contact with my father after 10 yrs (we stopped communicating when I was 6). And he still won’t own up to what he did or anything that happened. I have told my story to mum and she even after everything that he had done to her doesn’t believe me. Any way my deepest darkest secret won’t make sense but here it is. My deepest secret is that when I was little I would keep a tally of every time someone truly took care of me. And now at the age of 16 the tally is only two. I repeat that number daily and I constantly wonder why no one ever thought about that little girl that just needed some help. The only other thought I think is suicide. Which I know is from deep dark suppressed trauma. But when I die I know it will be alone and cold because two isn’t a high number.
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