What are your deepest secrets that you would like to share before you d.i.e?
When I was about 11 my dad took off and ditched me and 2 my brothers, one older one younger. He told us we were worthless and horrible and that he couldn't stand us and he didn't wanna see us ever again. My older brother a few months to 1 year later got hit by a car and died in the street then came back on his own; He ended up with a broken leg in 2 places below the knee, my mom told my father but he never cared or showed up. Just recently my grandpa passed away February 23rd. I'm a highschooler going to graduate next year. And I'm 16 years old with piercings and dad hair. But my dad has no clue. It's ok that he doesn't know anything about my life tho because he was abusive towards my mom when she was pregnant with me And my 2 other brothers of his, hed broke her nose by backhanded her. My dad's wife (my "stepmom") shoved me against the wall while in the shower at age 10/11 or younger because she accused me of not washing my hair, and always tried to control how we dressed and behaved. My dad's family took his side when he left us and they told us how dare we act the way we were.. they would've never accepted the true me anyways. One day I plan to go back to collect my old memories and see my little step brother again. Last I saw him he was 6/7. Is this a bad idea? Should I ever be in contact with my dad again?..
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