What are your deepest secrets that you would like to share before you d.i.e?
Sometimes I genuinely feel like giving up. I hate school, it’s so stressful and it’s putting so much pressure on me. My parents constantly force religion on me when I’ve told them several times why I don’t want to go to church. I hate Sundays, I get so anxious the night before and I genuinely feel like crying every time I get up to get ready for it. But they don’t listen. They only hear what they want to hear and flip my words to make themselves the victims. I also just feel so alone all the time. I have friends that I love very deeply, but I just feel like no one ever listens. I’m constantly stuck overthinking by myself. But then I also feel like they have better things to worry about than my stupid temper tantrums. Then when I do tell them about my problems, they make jokes to lighten the mood and change the subject. No one ever listens to me. There are times when I feel like I could be so much happier if I was just gone. But then I guilt trip myself out of it because there are people that have it much worse than me. I convince myself that I’m being dramatic and that I actually have it better than some people. Im tired. I’m so tired and I genuinely don’t know how to be happy again.
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