What are your deepest secrets that you would like to share before you d.i.e?
so about a month ago or so me and my ex of two years broke up and the whole time was extremely toxic. we have broken up lots of times and gotten back together.when we broke up the first time he got with my best friend two days later and she bragged abt it to me the whole time. when they broke up she accused him of r@p3. he had two other accusations against him as well but i stayed neutral bc they were both very close to me. months go by and my best friend at the time double crosses me many times so we stop being friends and i get back with that ex and start defending him on everything. back to present time right now me and that ex are done for good and he’s blocked. me and the girl are civil with each other but now idk how i feel. it feels wrong to the talk my ex bsf again but im glad not to have beef with her. but at the same time i feel like im betraying him. a few weeks ago the ex came to my house uninvited to get his stuff which was fine but then he started harassing me and was so unbelievably disrespectful. i told him never to do that again and ever since we haven’t talked and he have eachother blocked. can i have some advice ?
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