What are your deepest secrets that you would like to share before you d.i.e?
My dad is horrible. Idk what to do. He made me live my life a lie basically till like a year ago, made me hate my mom for 7 years to make himself look like the good guy. He is emotionally and mentally abusing. He is ignorant and doesn't understand this generation. I feel like I'm jus his punching bag. He makes me feel like the house isn't my home, and I don't belong. This morning at 4 am j was awake texting my friends because I am depressed and don't sleep and he called me a ungrateful dissapointment to my family. He makes me feel unsafe jn my own house, and whem he caused me to have a mental breakdown j lost jt. He makes me feel ashamed of myself and l
Blames everything on electronics. It's never about my emotional or mental health, he always blames electronics. He threats to put me in psychological therapy or in the hospital to get me off electronics. Idk what to do anymore, I'm on the verge of losing it and idk what to do. He abused my older brother when we were little, and claims to not remember. Pls help, idk what to do, it's not safe for me ajd my brother. He acts like everything is fine when jts not. Im at a loss.
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