What are your deepest secrets that you would like to share before you d.i.e?
My dad had bi polar depression. He was a very emotionally influenceable person. If he ever got mad, he would physically abuse me. Choke me, call me horrid things. He should’ve been put in jail for the things he did. All of this shit he did to me started at the age of 5. However, I accepted it, for a while at least, because I knew he did it because he really loved me. I wanted to help him, it was becoming a theme in my everyday life. “How can I help my dad?” Well, a couple years ago, as a pre teen, I wanted to get my dad to therapy. The idea was great, he could be helped, my life would be better, maybe my parents could get back together again. This was my plan until he pushed me out of a moving car at 30 miles per hour. At that moment I decided to live full time with my mother.
I gave up on the plan to help my dad.
After 2 weeks, he was found dead in a bathtub full of water with a hairdryer floating around his feet.
I wish I didn’t give up on him, but maybe he couldn’t be helped.
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