What are your deepest secrets that you would like to share before you d.i.e?
Last summer i got an ED. I lost so much weight and everything but in October i started to eat like a normal person again. I didnt want to recover, I was comfortable with my illness it just happend. Ever since then i started to put on weight again and now i weigh the same as before my ED. It is so hard. I dont know what to do. I hate how i look and i cant look at myself in the mirror but at the same time i cant stop eating. Becasue of this i started self harming again. It is really draining but i cant tell anyone because they would be just mad at me. I miss my sick body, being tired all the time, my heart beating so fast after going up the stairs. On top of that everyone around me is telling me that i'm looking so much better and i hate this. I cant take it for much longer and i need advice on how to stop feeling so bad all the time <3
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