What are your deepest secrets that you would like to share before you d.i.e?
I’ve struggled with depression /anxiety / ptsd ETC. Since I was in elementary school. The first time I attempted suicide was when I was 13. I took around 30 mixed pills, but it didn’t do anything and I never told anyone. My mental health would go up and down, but when I was 16 it hit an ultimate low. I overdosed on about 120 pills and ended up in the ICU and hospital for a few days. I then went to a psych ward where I stayed for a few weeks. I told my doctor there I wasn’t ready to leave, but he let me go anyways. Fast forward 3 more hospital stays later, my most major attempt happened when I took 180 pills. I went to the hospital for a week, and then ended up in a residential facility for 6 months. This place neglected us patients, sometimes having 1 staff member to 11 girls which was VERY unsafe especially because some girls were extremely aggressive. I was so afraid that one day I slept outside of the unit on the nurses station floor, and they refused to give me a blanket or a pillow because I wasn’t doing as I was told. They also wouldn’t let me move to the other unit because of “covid.” Another girl slept out there with me. Over the next 5 or so days I made my way onto the hall by refusing to leave, being protected by the girls on this new hall. Still I was grabbed twice and restrained by multiple staff members just because I didn’t want to go back to a hall that I felt unsafe on. This facility was recently shut down, but I feel the need to tell my story and bring more awareness to the serious issue we have in our health care system today for mental health issues.Anyone know how I can do this?
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