What are your deepest secrets that you would like to share before you d.i.e?
In middle school I went to a sleepover with two other girls. The three of us had kinda been sleeping around with each other and exploring sexuality and whatever it was, in retrospect, kinda sucky and gross and mentally unhealthy. But anyways there always weird flirting going on and at this sleepover I decided to make an advancement on one of the girls. We had clothes on still and it was like ten seconds long because the energy felt weird and I backed off. For the rest of the sleepover things were weird and the girl I didn’t touch (imma call her B and the original girl A) kept getting overly aggressive. Later that day girl B explained to me I had molested girl A and, of course, felt absolutely horrible. At school B yelled at me and it went to counselors and parents and I always had really bad trauma around it.
This year girl A was talking with me as we never really stopped being friends (I did with girl B because she was really toxic and mean for other reasons and to other people. And ofc this stuff happened, although a year later she pretended like nothing was wrong). Girl A explained that she was never upset with me or what happened and it was girl B making the situation unwanted. When girl B asked A how she felt, A was too nervous to fully explain it and B ran with it. It was immensely relieving to know that I didn’t truly molest anyone (although that situation could’ve been handled a million times better and clear consent is super important). I still don’t know how to feel about the situation or myself. Everyday I worry about repeating mistakes and hurting my boyfriend.
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