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I was sexually abused by multiple family growing up at age 14 I engaged in consensual inappropriate acts with a cousin and step brother even tho it was consensual and I stopped it. I always felt like I took something from Them even when they have attempted to do it again. I’ve never been able to tell anyone. Not even my therapist. Now that we’re older we never bring it up we go about our lives I always have the urge to ask. I feel so guilty some days I want to end it.
August 2, 2023
One day I hope I can die, two years ago I had a really bad trip and saw myself die, I witnessed death, judgement, my funeral and my grandmother crying, I saw a gavel slam down and knew that this was it. My last thoughts were oh god I’ll never get to be anyone I want. I’ll never get to live to grow to become me. I was arrested later that night, Now I’m here two years later still trying to rebuild my mind. I found God I found myself, but it cost me my sanity. Ever since then I’ve cut I’ve tried to build the courage up to end it but I can’t bring myself to do it. I believe I’m in hell and that god has abandoned me. If anyone is out there please pray for me.
July 19, 2023
I hate the smell if perfume because I don't remember a lot of my childhood. I only remember about 4 different parts, a birthday party were my brother was crying because he didn't want to grow up, my grandma yelling at me for not finishing my spaghetti, my brother getting bitten by a dog, and being sexually assaulted. I was sexually assaulted from around ages 4-7/8 (can't remember when it stopped) by my 14 year old cousin. He disguised it as a game by telling me that we were going to play "prince and princess" he would kiss me like I was his actual lover. He would kiss me and touch my waist and he held me really close. And when he was done he made me slap him and "pretend like we were breaking up" I never really understood that part and then the process repeated again every time he came by for 4 years. I think thats why I can't remember my childhood. I remember one day he didn't make me slap him, he cried really hard and told me he was sorry and I just kind of stood there. Later in life, I was sexually assaulted again when I was asleep. I was 11 or 12 and it way in may. I was sexually assaulted three times during that month by my uncle who was staying with us at the time and I think if I didn't wake up something worse would have happened. He was drunk, so he couldn't remember anything the day later and I never confronted him about it. I am still young, I'm 13 and I don't know if I want help. I've asked friends and they always tell me to go to the police but I don't want to, no one will believe me. Is it wrong that I forgave my uncle but not my cousin? My uncle didn't remember it but my cousin knew he was doing something wrong. I really needed to get this off my chest, it's really hard. Sometimes my mom will ask me "Do you remember your cousin ______" (we lived in Mexico when he assaulted me, we're in the US now) and I panic. I always tell her no and she passes it off as the fact that I have a lot of cousins but I remember him very vividly. I remember it all very vividly and now I can't wear perfume because whenever I do I'm reminded that my first kiss was stolen from me and if I was a little older something else would've been stolen too. He always kissed me in the garage, where my aunt ran a perfume shop. I hate the smell of perfume.
June 29, 2023
When I was about 10 my mom went to work and I was home with my siblings and stepdad my mom had 2 kids with him and he lived with us since I was 7 well one day I was in the room doing something and he hugged me I felt really uncomfortable the next day he started doing things to me it was almost every day every time my mom would leave he would try to come into my room so I would put a chair on my door so he wouldn’t get in it was scary and he always found a way to guilt trip me I didn’t know right from wrong I told him I was gonna tell my mom and he said nobody would believe and that he loved my mom 3 years later I told my mom because I didn’t start my period and she wanted to know why and then she asked if anyone did anything to me and I told her yes that it was my stepdad she cried sm she got mad at him he left for a while and he came back I stayed with my grandma for a while and moved back with her it’s the fact that my mom stayed with him knowing he SA me I was so young for that to happen to me I bring it up to her once In a while and she gets mad at me I don’t understand how somone could do this to their child but now I’m more grown and I still carry these thought with me but I’m better now and I have people who love and care for me
June 17, 2023
I was 17. I had snuck out a couple days before over Thanksgiving break so my mom took my phone. A couple days later my older brother and his then ex girlfriend came over and were drinking. he came into my room and kept hugging me wnd I didn't think anything of it till I took him to the store to get more beer and he just kept touching my legs and side while I was driving. asking me when I turned 18. who I was with. if I had sex. he touched my face telling me he'd always love me and then grabbed a handful of my hair forcing me to kiss him. I made my parents babysit. he came into my room later that night and forced me to touch him and then proceeded to rape me. my older brother. who I cried to about my first heartbreak. he's 10 years older than me. so he watched me grow up and he still raped me. I haven't touched the clothes i wore since those were my favorite sleep pants and hoodie. and i made my brother trade rooms with me. my parents know but never helped and instead told me it was my fault.
June 9, 2023
Hey I’ve seen all your tik toks and stuff about what ppl have gone through and I haven’t gone through any of that ever, and it makes me think yk, like how f*cking lucky I am in my life, and how sh*tty other ppl have it. It just gets me so mad and pissed that this world is messed up but we can’t stop it because we’re human, and we’re never perfect.
June 9, 2023
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