What's your biggest regret in life so far?
I don’t regret my life decisions I came very far and grew a lot as a person on my own and especially in the past year but I had my biggest heart break and I don’t regret walking away from it but I miss the feelings it gave me and the hope and it was the rush that kept me going at the time, he was in boot camp and I sent out letters all the time and waiting for his and for the mail everyday was what kept me going knowing one day I’ll get a letter soon or a 5 minute call on a Sunday. And it’s been a year and a half since it ended but he still has a big piece of my heart. We ended on good terms and talk very very rarely but now that we’re both in the military it’s hard and we have our own lives. I believe in right person wrong time but I also believe that if it’s meant to happen it’ll come around again and not to keep forcing it. It just sucks when he crosses my mind because I go back to how it was before it got bad.
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