What are your deepest secrets that you would like to share before you d.i.e?
Honestly, I feel like I'm in such a bad place right now. I just need to vent. I need to get my grades up. I need to be making more money. Everyone said "just get a new job" like it's so easy. I've applied to so many places and no reply. I feel like I just need a while to myself to get my life together. Not trying to say it's my friends faults but I need to stop going and hangin out with everyone and focus on myself. I need to lose weight to even look at myself. I'm only 16. This is too much for me. No one realizes I'm hurting inside. I don't show it because I'm the one everyone goes too. I've never been able to open up about my feelings. I'm too scared to tell anyone how I feel because I don't want pity. If I tell someone how I feel I want reassurance and help. No one gets that. No one's helping. I feel so lonely.
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