What are your deepest secrets that you would like to share before you d.i.e?
Haven't told my friends thish but it happened feburary I been feeling lost and tired so I decided that I should kill myself I told all my siblings I love them my mom and baby cousin I tucked 2 bottles of pills I didn't feel nothing I thought it didn't work I was mad so I went to sleep I woke up 39 minutes later got out bed and fell it was ki kicking and I was happy it was all about to be over I started walk around the house my mom call me she ask me what wrong I but I look past her and seen a black figure I told my self it about to be over my mother ask me again I said pills she asked what you take I didn't answer she call the ambulance but I was going and out I remember wake up and a hospital bed and her tell me she love me so much and then I ask her what happened when I I black out she said that when I got and ambulance car I told her I seen my aunt that past away and she was tell me to come her she told don't go and sis don't take my baby and whole lot other stuff happen but if would die I would bought pain to the ones I love
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