What's your biggest regret in life so far?
Growing up all I wanted was to fit in. Coming from a broken household I craved for validation. Though at the time I didn't notice I was slowly losing the real me. That's if I even had a real me to begin with. Every decision I made was based upon people near me. I've never made a decision of my own accord. I realized to late that the only validation I needed was myself. Sometimes in the middle of the night I think about the life I could have had. Why didn't I say no? Why didn't I say I don't agree? Why didn't i speak my mind? Why, why, why ,why. The word why haunts me to this day. I never had a role model i could look up to so I don't blame younger me for making mistakes such as that, but some mistakes will follow you forever. I wonder if I would have been in STEM or maybe on my way to Mars or maybe.... just maybe I could have been a best selling author. Now I'm stuck in time dreading the life I've lead. I wonder if I'll ever move forward .
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