What are your deepest secrets that you would like to share before you d.i.e?
At a very young age, my uncle would constantly touch me. I either 6 or under because I didn’t go to school yet. I believe I remember this because of trauma, I know this is real because it happened to my sister too, however, the way he touched me was worse— I was younger and more easy to manipulate. He would stick his finger in me, even AROUND my parents— he’d hide this by giving me a piggy back ride. I was clueless. My parents would drop me and my brother off at his house to baby sit us along with his niece. I broke her toy phone and my uncle called me into his room, I was scared I was going to get in trouble. Instead, he laid me down, lifting up my pink floral dress, and rubbed the tip of his p*nis in between the slits. My parents found out eventually—when he tried to do that again in OUR house when they were PRESENT! They told our other aunts and uncles but they didn’t believe them. So they didn’t report him, they didn’t do anything but forbid him to see me of any of my siblings. I still see him till this day. They don’t think I remember but I do, I do remember, and it sucks. My parents and sister know he’s touched me, but they don’t know he’s touched TOUCHED me—if that makes sense. I hate myself that I can’t even tell my family this, but there would be no point…they’ll allow him around me anyway. I am now 18 and one of my distant cousins told my aunts and uncles he’s trying to touch her, they believed her… I was a child yet, they didn’t believe my parents… now he’s not allowed to any gatherings. I still can’t tell anyone in fear I’ll burst into tears…
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