What are your deepest secrets that you would like to share before you d.i.e?
A long time ago when I was roughly 11 or 12 years old I had got sexually abused by someone that was a family friend and it turned out I was the second person they had done it to before me was another person Roughly 8 years before when they were also the same age and the person who touched us both had told me this secret and I kept my mouth sealed in fear and 2 years later it came out that after me they had raped 2 people one of them being younger than me and they'd touched another child and I can't help but feel like that if I had of said something sooner they wouldn't have been the next victims so I thought I would share this secret so that if anyone else is in that position that will gain the courage to stand up and say something so no one else will suffer from it
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