Every day my mom would curse at my dad because he always gave me more attention than I deserved, on Monday I was in my room playing Minecraft when my dad came in and asked if he could play with me, I said no because I know it would cause chaos in the house.
My mom was always angry at me and my dad for the simplest things, one day when I was on zoom doing online classes my mom came in and asked where my dad was in an angry tone, I thought nothing of it as she was always angry and told her where he was, about 5 minutes later I called him and he didn't pick up, I got worried and went to look for mom to ask if she knew why he wasn't answering, I couldn't find her either so at this point I called the police and told them everything, they said I should call Back in about 30 minutes so I waited and then I got a call from the hospital saying my dad has been found laying in a bush with his body in a serious condition and he could've lost his life if they hadn't found him in time.
I rushed to the hospital where he was at and when I saw how bad of a state he was in I broke down and started crying, when I say broke down I mean my knees became weak and my heart burned, I say by his side for approximately 5 hours waiting for him to get up after the 5 hrs he woke up and said call the police and report your mother, at this point I was confused with all that's been happening so I asked "why should I report mom" he replied she tried killing me and said you're next, I couldn't believe what I heard but regardless I still called and filed a report.
2 days after that incident and all the investigations my mom was found guilty of attempted murder, and when we went to court the judge sentenced her to 15 years in prison.
I still get nightmares about it and I'm scared that when she gets out she will target is again, please pray for me and my family. Thank you ❤️