So when I was younger like ten years old, my god mother had fallen off the stairs in Cambodia. I’ve never cried so hard. Although, I don’t really think she “fell off” the stairs. She’s a very clumsy person but her boyfriend at the time seemed ig, off. Same thing with her ex husband. She always got into fights with her bf.
After she fell down the stairs, we got the news that there was a mark behind her head. Like, as if she had been hit by a bat. She a swollen black eye, and cuts all over her. But, the doctors just left it and said it was a accidental death. Tbh, I believe that years later, it wasn’t accidental. I’m most likely over thinking but, even my mother felt something was off. Her youngest daughter (someone I called my sister) was only 6.
Later on, her ex husband and my mother got into a fight and I never saw them again. I always pass by the house they used to live in whenever I used to visit them, and I honestly can’t forget it. I still have my god mother’s number in my phone and all the pictures of her.