well, it all really started in 2020 October 5th or something (i thought I was gender fluid, 12). I was in a app called PAGO, pretty famous social app. There I was just chilling and doing my thing in there but then I got a DM from this person who clearly had interest in me and oc, (it was a male, 12, "POLY", let's call him K.) K thought I was a male back then and he was gay. I wasn't really interested until a few days later I told him to make a group chat with every crush he had and invite me in it to talk to them for fun, he did and I met another male that started private texting me from the group chat K made, (let's call him H, and he was poly as well, gay, and 12 yrs) H had a crush on K, I actually had a crush on K too but didn't care much of it, then one day, ANOTHER male from the group chat K made, (POLY, named Alex, and pansexual) Alex private texted me and asked if I could be in a threesome with him and K. I still had a crush on K but only him so that was the only reason why I accepted the offer, (REMEMBER I WAS 12 BACK THEN). After we dated for like 3 days, me and K found out Alex had more than 8 lovers, we really weren't happy with how many he was with. So we broke up with Alex. We were pretty sad and stuff but then H would comfort us and other stuff, I wanted to get H and K together even if I still liked K only, so I offered H to be in a threesome with me and K, and we were happy together. I got bored of nothing interesting happening (I DON'T MEAN LIKE DIRTY INTERESTING) so I made another PAGO account, my name was EvaN in PAGO but irl it was Eva, and being so unoriginal. I put EVA as my name in the extra ACC, later pranked both H and K, as being "EvaNs" twin sister for having the same name, but, I couldn't tell them it was a prank, so I kept acting like I had a twin sister. and at the same time acting as her, a few days later in Oct 9 I turned 13, 2 months later or so, we started talking in Instagram, while I was making both ACC's for Eva and Evan, I met lotss of friends that was strangely connected with K irl and H. So I was obv friendly to them, in December.. I met this girl (let's call her U, female 13 yrs). In Evan's acc, and we became harshly friends, but I felt. Interested, in her. but I knew Evan was already taken with K and H. So I started talking to her in Eva's acc for a reason I couldn't believe but wasn't thinking, she was a awesome friend to be with, she was the only female that talked to me because actually, all of the other friends that were connected to K and He were mostly males, but she was the most interesting of them all, I asked her to be my gf, in Eva's ACC. While I was dating H and K in the other ACC. Yeah, I am a horrible being. But anyways me and U would love to use extra accs to prank our mutual friends, and everytime I made one and the prank was over... I would use it as another not real person. One named Melah, another one named Ara and so on, then I started talking to H, K, U and other connected friends with those same ACCS, and those 2, Melah and Ara became my fake siblings, if I cut to the chase you guys should be like "WHAT A TWISTTT"-Jay from the Kunz Scouts. Well in the present rn, I'm still dating that girl, U, but she knows about the fake acting, she was actually acting a being H and K and the other friends that claimed to be connected irl with eachother. It was the biggest twist I've ever seen. It felt hilarious how we were both too scared to tell eachother they weren't real, oh and after I met U in the past I became madly in love with her, and she fell in love with me as well, isn't it weird how we both fell in love with the real person that was acting from the start. My regret was not telling her sooner, with he knowledge of Mekah, and Evan that were dating other people, meaning I was cheating. That's the biggest regret I've had my whole life.
Well.... I have a few things to say. When I was in 8th grade, my boyfriend at the time raped me. I kept that inside for years, I started falling into a dark place. Freshman year in high school I met her, we'll call her Jane for privacy reasons. Jane and I became best friends, the bestest of friends. We were there for each other for our freshman and sophomore years in hs. She lives a mile from me so I'd just go over and hang out. The end of sophomore year, we started dating. She's the first person I actually fell in love with. We were together for a year and a half. She was at my 17th and 18th birthday parties. Earlier in the summer before I turned 18, my parents and I took her to Florida with us. On the way there, I felt bad about it but I went through her phone and saw that she'd been dating my best friend, who I'd been best friends with since 4th grade, for a month. We moved past it, until she cheated on me again with another dude. We eventually broke up. Now, I have no contact with her, the best friend she cheated with, or everyone but 3 people that I knew before her. I'm 18 and a senior in high school, 99% of my friends are freshman and I get called names like pedo, predator and get told to kill myself. As of writing this, I've moved on from my past, I started dating one of the best people I've ever known and I've never been happier. Thank you for your time and hopefully this touches someone's heart. <3
I haven’t been happy in a long time, sometimes I just feel terrible out of no where. I feel lonely but I’m not lonely, when I go to bed early on a school night I sit and think, then I begin to cry I feel so incredibly lonely and I don’t know why, I have friends, I have people that love me, but I just feel so lonely, and I don’t want a relationship, it might be because there is a girl that won’t leave me alone at school, threats, death stares, and for no reason, we had a confrontation and I apologized, I had to go to the school principle about it and she still wouldn’t just bug off, I just asked her to leave me alone, she wouldn’t.. I can’t tell anyone because it’ll sound pitiful, like I want attention, but it’s not true I’m just not how I meant to be. I’m so tired, so incredibly tired. And I don’t know why. I want to feel appreciated and warm again as I did, idk why it just faded randomly. I’m only 13, my birthday was yesterday and I still feel awful.