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July 30, 2023
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When I was 12 and my brother was 14 he told our parents that our grandfather was molesting him. They asked me if he was molesting me too and I said no. I lied. Because of my lie they didn’t fully believe my brother and we continued spending nights there for another two years. So for two nights/four days a week we spent the night over there and were molested or raped (depending on the night). It was total about four years (10-14) for me and six years (10-16) for him.
December 7, 2022
I think I killed a dog. He was part of the family, very small. I was spinning him on a chair but I was only around 11 and didn’t know better. He fell off the chair. After that he stopped eating and died. I felt such guilt and they blamed me. But I didn’t do it on purpose. He was also already sick because he was so small. I am so sorry, and I regret what I did. It was ignorant of me
December 7, 2022
When I was in second grade me and my mother had to hide in my room with a dresser blocking the door so my stepdad couldn't come in. All because I played with my hair as a boy and that is too feminine. When I was 6 my stepmom forced me to eat from the trash because I wasted food, chased me around with an axe for slamming a door, and locked me in a basement because I peed my pants. When I was 12 I witnessed my best friend commit suicide. Her last words to me were "thanks for proving you don't love me and leaving me all alone", because I chose not to answer one phone call. To this day at only 17 years old more people than I can count on my hands have blamed me for their being suicidal or depressed. Despite knowing that, I still choose to bring people into my life even though I know I'll destroy them.
December 7, 2022
for lazy ppl: im in a room and a random dude kicks the door down and waddles away before i can thank him. When I was a kid, I was in a public bathroom when I realized that the cubicle's door was jammed and I couldn't get out. 5-6ish year old me tried yanking it open and even tried to climb onto the toilet pipes. Eventually I gave up and wailed like a banshee until a guy comes into the bathroom and kicks down the door. He turned away quickly and speed-walked away so I never saw his face and couldn't even say thank you because of my pathetic blubbering. He was a fuckin hero to me and I wanna help someone out without needing thanks at least once before I die.
December 7, 2022
I feel like I can’t talk to my bsf anymore. And it feels like we are drifting apart. I liked this guy and the other day she told me about how I need to get over him and Stop talking about him, but like a bit ago she was talking to this guy and he didn’t like her back and all she would talk about is how he only talks to her at night or when he’s bored so like… I don’t get it. Anyways I feel like I can’t talk to her about stuff anymore or she just uses it against me. We got in a fight awhile ago and we took a break. She said she was gonna change but yet she still hasn’t. Idk, I just don’t fully trust her anymore tbh. But I cant bring anything up or she will act like I’m in the wrong for trying to talk. What should I do
December 6, 2022
Once I was in 10th grade and was having a sleepover with my best friend and her brother was so hot but she told me he was gay and at like 4:00 am I woke up and she was asleep and I had to use the restroom so bad and I accidentally walked in on him jerking off and he asked me if I could help him and I did and we ended up doing it and we still occasionally do it every time I come over and she still doesn’t know
December 6, 2022
To all the times I've said no to eating with people or practicing lines at lunch, i promise I'm not trying to be rude or that i don't like you or that I'm not devoted to the play, i just can't handle eating in public and i just can't tell you because it hurts to say it out loud so I'm sorry... And to the people who ask me why I'm always so quiet and don't make friends easy but am clingy to the friends i do have, it's because of neglect and having people that i thought were my friends backstab me, and I'm so clingy because I'm scared to loose my friends...
December 6, 2022
Turned 21 recently and it wasn’t until December I actually had my first experience with a girl in terms of kissing, having sex, and even holding hands. I’ve been told I’m really attractive as a kid and all my life really but I suffer a lot mentally with the notion that I am ugly and worth nothing. So once I turned 14 all I focused on was working and trying to make something of myself. Never went to parties, dates, hung out with friends, never even had a friend over at my house my whole life. Never been to my own friends birthday party. Now that I’m 21 and fairly successful for my age making great money w/ my own business, I regret it. I should’ve just focused on living my life and experiencing what love is years ago. I feel like I lost most of my youth because I was forced to grow up so soon.
December 6, 2022
This isn’t really a secret, I just had to say it to somebody. I really don’t think they know how much they saved my life. I used to be so sad all the time I sh’ed, I had depressive episodes, but then they came into my life and made it better in every way and they actually like me I mean really like me and it’s still really weird to me cause I didn’t think anyone could do that, but they do. Even though we’re not like dating, we both like eachother, but I’m in no rush at all to move things along, I just like being with them.
December 6, 2022
I hit my cat today and i really hate myself for it. I really didnt mean im just really impulsive and got really stressed out today because alot of things are going on in my life. You dont understand how much i hate myself for hitting her because shes my everything. Shes one of the few reasons im still going and she even helps with my paranoia by just being in my room. I love her so much and i never thought that i would hit her no matter how frustrated i got but it happened and its making me wonder if id be abusive in a relationship. I fucking hate myself for hitting her and im thinking of getting rid of her just so i dont do that again but i know i could never bring myself to do so
December 6, 2022
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