a few weeks after i turned 13 i went to the movies with my sister, my moms friend and her two sons, they were about 11 and 15( i’ll call him brayden) my sister and i wanted to see a horror movie so we asked if my moms friend and her sons wanted to come. our parents said no, so us kids went to go see it by ourselves. we got there and they wouldn’t let our younger siblings go in, so brayden and i went in alone. i had never thought of brayden as anything other than an annoying older brother, with that said we weren’t very close and only hung out when our parents were together. a few minutes after the previews, when the movie was starting, brayden started to touch me in a way i didn’t like. i was too scared to say anything or move so i just sat there. after about five minutes i got the courage to just get up and leave the theater and i went to the bathroom and cried. i left the theater completely and went to go find our parents and told them i was feeling sick so we could go home. a month or two later i was forced to go on a vacation with him, his brother, and his mom. it took another couple months for me to tell my mom what happened. she told me that he probably didn’t mean it in a bad way and he thought ‘oh i’m at the movies with a cute girl i’ve had a crush on, nows my chance’ (those were her exact words). a few days after i told his mom what happened, he texted me and told me that he couldn’t believe i had just done that especially because i knew he had a girlfriend. i thought that was worst day of my life until i realized just how many times this had happened to me since i was a child. and this was the first time it was with someone that wasn’t family. i will be taking all of this to the grave, so congrats on being the first people i tell. reminder: you are an amazing, intelligent, strong person, and you deserve all the good things that will come. <3