What's your biggest regret in life so far?
I hope that later in life I can learn how to take care of others and myself. I hope I find hapiness and I am content with my life, I hope I take my time to breathe and experience things in the moment. Ive been keeping to myself a lot lately but I sadly like someone who has a gf. Ive started cutting and I thought it wasnt gonna be that big of a deal at first but now Ive realized its become a big part of me. My biggest regret is giving myself such high standars on what I have to be and what I meed to do. I regret making myself think that if I dont do certain things or get good grades everyone will be disappointed in me. I regret putting so much pressure on myself since I was younger, I wish I had given myself some slack cause now it feels like im falling behind and theres nothing I can do about it. Lately ive been feeling lonely, the lonliest ive ever felt in my life and its really starting to hit me. I need to know im not lonely, Im not worthless if i dont meet certain standards, and that everythings gonna be okay. I need comforting rn..please
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