What's your biggest regret in life so far?
1. I regret cheating on my ex. It was rough being together cuz we were long-distance, but he loved me unconditionally and would’ve done anything for me, and i knew that. He even bought me a hoodie for christmas. but we got into one petty argument and I left him for someone else that i knew wasn’t good for me. i’ll never forgive myself for it and ik i’ll get a lot of hate in the comments from talking about this one but i don’t even care because i deserve the hate. i was immature, selfish, and a bad girlfriend all around. he deserved so much better than me and he still does. i love him with all my heart and i wish i had been a better gf to him. i hope he’s happy now with someone else because he deserves someone better than i am that’ll appreciate all the love i was too cowardly to accept.
2. i regret pushing away my best friend of 4 years . he was always there for me whenever i needed him, and we shared so many good memories. but i always ignored his needs. i never asked him how he was or how he was feeling and i always thought about myself. i never meant to be a bad friend to him. my mental health was shitty especially when the beginning of quarantine started, and i began using him as an emotional tampon, and ig he got tired of me and left me. i don’t blame him. i should’ve found better ways to cope instead of dumping all my problems onto the only friend i had, the only friend that was willing to stay. i didn’t deserve him either. i regret not taking the time to tell him how much i appreciated him.
so yeah ig i suck and i hate myself cuz all i do is hurt ppl and im an L gf L friend L daughter L person and i should just ☠️ so no one has to deal with me ok byeeeee
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