What are your deepest secrets that you would like to share before you d.i.e?
I have a really good memory. Like scary good. Like I am almost 21 and I remember exact conversations I had with kids on the playground in 2nd grade (USA). This is an important at detail to remember
In the summer of 2020, I was a camp counselor. We were to go through child protection training where we learn about pedophiles, signs of s€xu@l and physical @$$@ult. While learning about this I noticed my uncle exhibited some of the signs of a predictor and my interactions with him. Looking back, I know now I was groomed, and there is a specific incident where my mom wanted to stop by his house for his birthday. She stayed in the car, but my uncle invited me in. I remember going into his kitchen and then following him into his basement but then my memory blacks out. I can’t be sure what happened but I’m pretty sure I was SAed . I haven’t told anyone because I don’t know how to.
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