What are your deepest secrets that you would like to share before you d.i.e?
College was very rough for me. I was extremely depressed, even with my brother going to the same college it was hard. I used to just disappear and go for a hike in the near by park unannounced. My favorite spot to go was a 90 foot cliff over rocks and a river known for people jumping. One day I woke up and I just couldn’t go any further so I got dressed and told my Brother I loved him which I never really did and left. I had every intention to jump off that cliff. I get there and I’m looking over the cliff and I get a phone call. It’s my brother calling asking if I wanted to come grab some food and watch a movie with him because we haven’t been able to spend any quality time together for about a year. Something clicked after we hung up and I broke down standing over this cliff. To this day no one knows about it not even him and I say I love you every time we leave each other’s house. I want to tell him but I don’t know how.
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