What are your deepest secrets that you would like to share before you d.i.e?
When I was 7 my younger brother would touch me and look at me and he enjoyed doing it. I told my parents but they smack me saying that it was nonsense he never did anything wrong and they punish me by going out without clothes in front of him and he kept staring. I was so embarrassed… the only time I was happy when I was at school bc I was away from them but that didn’t last long until middle school boys were touching me and I told my teacher and he laughed. Why…..? I didnt want to tell my parents bc I was so afraid that they will punish me the same way like last time. So I kept my mouth shut and learned how to defend myself with my words and actions and i became a cold cruel person. I hate everyone I don’t trust anyone. I hate myself I hate me it’s so unfair and hard
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