What are your deepest secrets that you would like to share before you d.i.e?
A month or two before Christmas my Great grandmother passed away. It was the first time I had lost someone so close to me. We didn’t visit her that often, but we visited enough that there was a close connection. I’d say about 6 months to a year she was diagnosed with cancer. I unfortunately don’t remember what kind it was, but it was in the last stage. A day before she passed, we got a call saying that she may not make it until the next morning. What made me even more upset was that my parents didn’t let me or my sibling go visit her personally one last time to say our goodbyes. They went and visited while my siblings and I stayed home. They did call us and we got to FaceTime with her, but all my great grandmother said to us was that she loved us ,and that she would be better soon. The next morning my mom was gonna let us go see her personally before she would be gone. Before we even left the house we got the call that she passed away. Then we held her funeral a few days after. My biggest regret was not being able to say goodbye personally. In my opinion FaceTiming isn’t a proper way to say goodbye to someone who won’t be on this earth anymore. I do think my parents regret not letting us see her when they had visited her the previous day. My advice is do not wait to visit. You never know when someone will really be gone. See them ASAP.
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