What are your deepest secrets that you would like to share before you d.i.e?
About 6 or 7 years ago, I tried to kill my former best friend for looking through my diary of sorts. To most people involved it was a minuscule event- I sort of just lunged at her and went for the throat basically- and from what I know no one really remembers it’s anymore. I still remember it vividly though. The bloodthirst, the way her nails dug into my skin as a I gripped her throat, the eyes of my scared much younger cousin right next to us. I was and am a moderately weak person, so there wasn’t rly any damage done, and we made up an hour later. Had I been a bit stronger or had something in hand that night though, im not so sure that younger me would’ve held back.
I’m not sure if it was the cause, but that happened to be the first and last time I ever screamed at someone in genuine anger. I’ve always strived to be a good person- the sudden violence really did come at a surprise. As extreme as it may be, to this day I live in fear of that violence rising up again and causing so much more harm than the first.
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