What are your deepest secrets that you would like to share before you d.i.e?
My brother was raped about a yr ago and was given herpes in his mouth and he told me not to drink behind him. But he offers me to share food/drinks/straws, etc and I always refuse and he is always saying "I was raped and didnt choose to get herpes why are u acting like I got a disease?" and when he says this I feel guilty and ashamed for refusing to share things that he places his mouth on even though he told me not to. And he always brings up him being raped whenever we try to have a conversation he has a therapist but he tells me things he doesnt tell his therapist so i am understanding and he makes comments that make me uncomfortable. i dont know how to comfort him or what advice to give and he is also using drugs and saying hes using them bc of what happened to him and also trys to kiss my nephews in the mouth and on their cheeks knowing he has outbreaks and Im scared if hes gonna pass it to the babies. No one knows he has herpes only me and I tell him not to kiss my nephews bc I dont want anything happening to them but he refuses to listen to me.
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