What are your deepest secrets that you would like to share before you d.i.e?
I am extremely suicidal.
From the age of 6 to the age of 8 I was sexually abused. I didn't know how to tell anyone.. and I was scared of what would happen if I did. Eventually the dude moved out, and I thought I was gonna be okay. I was wrong. My mother became very mentally abusive, and my father (whom I didn't live with) was very physically abusive. I was sent to his house when my mother didn't want to deal with me, which ended in many bruises and few broken bones here and there. By the time I was no longer being sent to my dad (by miraculous surprise) I was 10. All the trauma and abuse I went through ended in me having depression, anxiety, AND PTSD all at such a young age. My mother had my little sister, shortly after and I was forced to take care of her more than a 10 year old should leading to me growing up very fast. So while I'm only 13,I have the mental state of a 16 year old, and I've suffered severe abuse and sexual trauma. I'm now suicidal and have already had 3 attempt, all obviously unsuccessful.
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