What are your deepest secrets that you would like to share before you d.i.e?
When i was about 11 my cousin was getting close to me and I didn't know why he was doing that so we grown up he raped me at 14 then he kept coming in my house he was trying to do that again and again but i was doing my best to stop him he always came when i am alone and everyone thinks he is good guy even my family trust him once i was alone in the room and my bro was in the kitchen he came and run into me i woke up and ran away he pulled my hair and hurts my hands so bad but i was able to run this time to i am still running from him whenever i see him and another cousin of mine is same like him he is caming after me idk why people r like that like they r the reason i have never fall in love everything in my mind like i hate everything relationships now whenever i see a guy i think he is bad all that bc of what happened to me now i am 22 and they still didn't leave me alone sometimes i am thinking about suicid but yeah still surviving day by day my hand is on my heart and thinking what if he is coming now or if someone came oh that's him they destroyed my future my life my dreams everything ❤️
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