What are your deepest secrets that you would like to share before you d.i.e?
This began to hit me really recenty.
My mom asked me to help her up the stairs the other day. I told her ur getting old as a joke but in reality she couldn't make it at all, She smiled and laughed it off, suggesting that she isnt and shes just tired, but it killed me because when I was a kid my mom would chase me up and down those stairs, laughing while doing it. It was my grandmother who couldn't make it then and always asked us for help up the stairs. Suddenly, my mom is in the same position as my grandmother, who passed away not too long ago.
I see her a lot differently after that. When I was a kid, she seemed invincible and able to do anything. Now? She's aging, slowing down, and sad to say but she’s dying.. and I'm much more aware of it.She's told me that this is just the way of life and that she's enjoyed hers and plans on enjoying whatever life she has left, but I'm definitely more aware of her health problems and general condition and it destroys me to see her growing older like this.
it's a little weird. I was prepared for my grandmother to pass because of her age and health these last couple of years, but I guess I never thought about my mom in a way other than being my knowledgeable, flawed, invincible mom who would always be there for me. i just dont know what to do with myself…
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