What are your deepest secrets that you would like to share before you d.i.e?
A few weeks ago I was talking to my cousin(who’s older) about my little cousin seeing a therapist because she’s depressed. My older cousin then made a joke out of it and I told her that I too have been seeing a therapist for the past few years. She then asked why and I said because I’m also depressed and I have so many inner child traumas that I needed to heal from. She then asked if my childhood was that traumatic. Yes! I lost my mom when I was 2, my dad was a drug addict. He left my brother and I with my grandma for many many years. I never really had a home where I could called home. I was always picked on by kids because I didn’t have a mom. If this isn’t traumatic enough for a child then I don’t know what is. I also just lost my grandma 10 months ago. My life is a mess but I am now old enough to work and currently in college. I hope someday I will have a home of my own and fully healed from all these traumas. Some people will never understand because they didn’t grew up in a broken home.
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