What are your deepest secrets that you would like to share before you d.i.e?
My mother had been in and out of the hospital between the years of 2013-2018 for a pretty severe illness. Before I went off to college in 2015 there were some nights where I would stay awake watching over her because I was scared she would pass away. When I went off to college I started dating someone who tried to keep me away from my family. They would sometimes threaten me if I told them I was going home for a weekend. Rather then ending things with this partner, I stayed with them.
We spent the Christmas season of 2017 in the hospital at moms bedside. At one point my grandmother asked me to talk to her about stopping treatment due to her deteriorating condition. So the day I was set to drive back to school I tried. Instead my mom asked me if I still loved her, because I never came to visit her. I couldn’t tell her that couldn’t because I was being threatened. I thought it made me look weak. I tried to reassure her that I did still love her, and promised that I would come and visit her during my February break. That was the last conversation we ever had. The next time I came home was to sign papers to remover her from life support.
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