What are your deepest secrets that you would like to share before you d.i.e?
My “friends” always end up falling for the same guys I do, and they always choose my friend over me. But since they always choose them over me, I like to break the relationship from the inside. My friends trust me with their secrets and I obviously know they person they are with, so I feed them terrible things that they say about each other. So over time I destroy the relationship from the inside and make them break up and resent each other. Basically I break up my friends relationships from the inside and ruin both of their reputations, but they never would suspect me because I’m their friend. I also am a huge gossip. Everyone trusts me with their secrets, but I go around and spill them all. And not some secret like oh she was so mean, secrets like she fucked that girls boyfriend and she got pregnant. have no resentment because it can never be traced back to me. I don’t know if I should regret telling everyone each other’s secrets, but I never feel guilty.
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