What are your deepest secrets that you would like to share before you d.i.e?
Ive never actually told anybody this
I had an older friend when i was 10, she was 13
We were really good friends
One day, she pulled me over to the side of the school yard and told me "My friend showed me this really cool site, its called pornhub its really hot". I didnt know what that ment at all, so i just said "cool" and went on with my day
Later that year we had a sleepover, and she showed me the site while sitting next to me, and she said "if your parents come in just say we're watching anime" .
We started watching videos, all of this was new to me and i didnt understand anything, i dont remember much, i dont remember what i was thinking at the time
I wasnt disgusted, thinking about it now
Later that night she started asking me if i wanted to play truth or dare, i was told to "hump" the bed and i didnt know what that ment but she showed me so i did
As the night went on she started touching me more, and you can basically imagine what happened. She moved away a bit later, gave me her dog who had puppies and it still reminds me of her
Im 15 almost 16 now and it still sickens me to think about it, ive struggled with the aftermath for so so long
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