What are your deepest secrets that you would like to share before you d.i.e?
I should be dead already.
Every year of my life, the gods have thrown something at me that should have killed me.
From the ages 0-15 I dealt with a lot of medical issues. Seizures, dangerous blood sugar drops/spikes, my bones breaking easily. I also almost chocked to death on several occasions.
From the ages 15-now, (I’m 19), my medical issues have lessened. But my depression and dealing with my Trauma has risen. I’m suicidal. I’ve tried to commit 3 times. Written far more suicide notes then I’d like to admit.
I am getting help now, for everything. I guess I’m just… a mix of happy and proud that I made it? And no one in my life truly understands the hype of me surviving this long. They have no idea how much of a struggle it was.
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