What are your deepest secrets that you would like to share before you d.i.e?
Growing up I was a skinny child and I danced for more than half my life. When I stopped I started gaining weight. I vaguely remember standing on the scale looking and looking at my self in the mirror. Years pass and I became someone I didn’t want to be and I have been trying to hard but I wasn’t body shamed by my friends. I was body shamed by my dad. “You weigh more than me” “you look like you’ve lost weight” “that shirt is too big on you” “you shouldn’t be eating that” “that has a lot of calories” sometimes I’d only eat a granola bar a day or not at all and I stopped being hungry. It made me feel so insecure about my body that thats all I think about now is how I look. I try to go to the gym and my mom has always been supportive of me and tried talking to him but he still wouldn’t let off.
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