What are your deepest secrets that you would like to share before you d.i.e?
I left my dads house because i hate his girlfriend and i was with my ex at the time and i had no where to go and he told me i could stay with his friend and my (ex boyfriend) said he would come check on me everyday he lived up to that long story short i did a bunch of reckless things because i had no adult supervision, i was driving reckless because i didn’t care about anything, but i while i was staying with his friend i slept in his room and he slept in the living room and im guessing he came into his room and go into the bed where i was sleeping and he proceeded to rape me he was 15 and i’m 18 i live with that guilt because i was already raped the same way at 14 , i never told my ex because i was afraid he wouldn’t believe me and i was afraid the 15 year old would go to the cops and flip the story on me i guess i will forever live with that guilt i can’t stop thinking about it and there is no one that i trust in this world to personally tell because there is nothing to do about it because his dna is already got because i’d still do the do with my ex and i just have that stuck in my head and i’m completely lost on what to do , all i ask is don’t give me hate this took me a lot to say this.
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